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How do I receive patient?

As a clerk, click on the queue tab

Find the patient's ID

Verify the patient detail prompted

Before you can assign the patient to your clinic's doctor, you need to get consent from the visiting patient.

You can either 'Request for RHRAC' (RHRAC stands for Remedi Health Record Access Code). When you click on this request, a 6-digit random code will be sent via SMS to the patient's mobile.

Retrieve the RHRAC from the patient and key in the code.


You can click on 'SNAP Patient's Identity Card'. (Only if you have a camera e.g. webcam available installed in the browser).

A camera will be switch on and snap a picture of the patient's IC

Make sure that it is readable before upload by clicking upload

When you have completed either task (SNAP or RHRAC), click register. 

You will see the patient's name in the queue.

That's it, you are done